Page 28 - HSR
P. 28
I’ve gone to open houses and tried to talk to the landlords, but I wasn’t given the time of day. I showed up [dressed] professionally with completed paper- work, but they didn’t care. They already had a vision of the type of person they wanted, and it wasn’t me, it was never going to be me.
-Jordan, mixed race, nonbinary undergraduate
There’s a lot of animosity toward students. If you mention [to a landlord] that you’re a student, [they] make up excuses, like, ‘We would prefer someone longer-term.’ That was a shock to me because students are a huge portion of this population, we’re helping fuel the housing economy, but
instead of accepting it, a lot of [homeowners] are really, really against having students. I understand that [some students] may have ruined prop- erties before but I feel like those are exceptions. There’s a lot of fear mongering about students being the worst tenants. In reality, we’re just trying to live here, get our degrees, and get out.
There are landlords that take ad- vantage of students and their age. A lot of them think they can get away with abusing renter’s rights. They think maybe we’ll get used to it because we don’t really have an option. We have to be somewhere in Santa Cruz to get to school, or at least somewhere nearby. So, they have a monopoly over our living situations.
-Isla, European American, female undergraduate
.zurC atnaS fo edistuo gnisuoh fo tsoc rewol ylevitaler eht tesffo stsoc gnikrap dna sag hgih ,srac htiw stnednopser roF .seitinutroppo krow detimil dna emit no ssalc ot teg ot tluciffid ti edam setummoc yhtgnel dna setuor sub tnetsisnocni ,srac tuohtiw esoht roF .smelborp noitatropsnart retaerg htiw detaicossa saw supmac
:meht ot tnerottonderreferpdnastnedutsdekilsid —yldaorb erom stnediser zurC atnaS dna
morf rehtruf gniviL .dnoyeb dna ,ellivnostaW ,sotpA ot zurC atnaS fo ytic eht fo edistuo devom stnednopser emos ,tluser a sA
— sdroldnal taht deveileb osla ,etaudarg -rednu elamef ,naciremA naeporuE a ,nasuS ”.ot dah tub stneduts ot tner ot tnaw yllaer t’ndid“ dna setamesuoh sih dna mih fo ”lacitpeks“ erew sdroldnal taht deveileb ,etaudargrednu elam ,naciremA naeporuE a ,nairB ,ylralimiS ”.elbadroffanu yletelpmoc“ saw taht gnisuoh tpecca ot tub eciohc on dah nadroJ ,stnacilppa etihW ,redlo rof revo dessap gnieb retfA
:ecneirepxeni dna htuoy evitaler rieht fo egatnavda ekat ot gniyrt sa sdroldnal deviecrep osla alsI sa hcus stnednopseR
:derahs tneduts eno ,elpmaxe roF .ytirucesni laicnanif dna egdelwonk fo kcal deviecrep htiw htuoy detalfnoc sdroldnal taht dna stnanet sa ycamitigel rieht denimrednu ega rieht taht deveileb osla ,stneduts egelloc ega-lanoitidart erew mohw fo tsom ,stnednopser fo ytirojam ehT