Page 23 - Phoenix2019
P. 23
Effects of smartphones on
Mohamed Fateen, VI - L
Muhammed Haneen, XI-K
You can’t be afraid to fail you have to un-
derstand that failure is a part of success you
can ask any successful person in this world
Children can be seen handling mobile phone and smartphones all around the world. In and they will tell you that failure was the part
older times children can be seen talking to their friends for long hours, while others might of their success. A perfect example is, ‘Jack
spend their time playing countless games on the phone. The utility of the device cannot
ma’(founder of amazon),he failed 2 times in pri-
be debated. However continued use and exposure to the phone can have harmful ef-
mary school,3 times in middle school,applied
fects on the child.
for 30 jobs,got rejected,and what more he was
Some of the negative effects of regular use of mobile phones include,
the only one rejected in KFC job interview out
Children that have a tendency to use phones for extended periods of time, keeping them
of 24 ones..but determination kept him run for
close to their ears, have shown a higher chance of developing non-malignant tumours,
success and achieved as one of the world’s
especially in the regions of the ear and the brain. The bones, tissues, and protective lin-
ings for organs such as the brain, are yet very thin for kids. Hence, these organs end up richest and successful entrepreneur.
absorbing beyond 60% radiation that is emitted from the mobile phones. The radiation Failure is where we grow,that’s where we gain
can have strange effects in the human body, sometimes directly affecting the nervous strength,we grow from our struggles,we learn
system, too. This has been classified by the World Health Organization as a “possible from our mistakes ,we gain wisdom from our
carcinogen” and carries a potential risk of cancer. Research has shown that by merely failures and that’s where we grow . We grow
talking on the phone for 2 minutes, the electrical activity inside a child’s brain can be more from our failures that we ever do from
changed. This erratic activity can cause problems in mood patterns, behavioural tenden- our accomplishments, You have to accept
cies, and have trouble learning new things or focusing properly. the fact that you are going to fail at any part of
your life and that’s okay,just don’t be afraid to
Without a doubt, mobile phones and computers are greater communication tools and
make everything easier and faster. Nonetheless, in the wrong hands, they are twice as fail the only thing that matters is that you learn
destructive as they are helpful. Effects of smartphone exposure on kids can sometimes from your failures but you stand up every time
lose their whole life and considerably affect their quality of life. To avoid that, only let your you fall just keep moving the only time you re-
kids access a smartphone or tablet device a few times a week and always in your pres- ally fail is when you give up
ence. Have a good future ahead
PHOENIX 2018-19 21