Page 365 - Aida Hovsepian Onboarding
P. 365
Also highlight in yellow and unprotect the current year and future year’s cells in the “%
Committed” column O.
Unless an Administrator is editing or working on the Price Index, please hide the following
columns on the “CM Update” tab:
o A-C, AD - AM
Adding a New Item to the Price Index
There are a couple of steps that one must take to add an item that has not previously been
on the price index.
The first is to add the item just as you would update any other item laid out in the Annual
Process section above.
For new items you not only have to add 12 rows for the upcoming year, you must also add
12 additional rows for the year previous to the start year.
In column M “New Item to Index”, please populate all 24 rows with “Yes”
In column N “Budgeted Volume”, please populate the volume for the year that the item is
starting on the Price Index however for the previous year, leave the volume fields blank. By
doing this, the tables will not try and add that item to previous years’ calculation and
reporting outputs.
The last step for the previous year by month, per business rules effective January 2016, new
items previous your will be compared to actual pricing from the system. That information
can be obtained from the previous respective “YY-MM” files and will be populated in column
AB “Actual Store Cost”. If there are no actuals available back to January of the previous year,
apply the oldest price back by month to January.
Password Encryption
Password for workbook is “9999”
Business Rules
Budget (volumes and component pricing) will be finalized by July for the upcoming year
Category Managers will be populating out a twelve (12) month forecast for Price Index item
If there is no forecast out for all 12 months, then the most recent forecast will be
Actuals will be populated with the most recent month closes (example: April actuals will be
visible on May 1 )
Once actuals are populated, no adjustments to the past month’s re-forecast can be
Pricing Component hierarchy:
Contract Pricing
Most Recent Contract Pricing
New items into the price index market basket:
For new and existing item added to the Price Index Market Basket, the previous
history will be based on the actual pricing by month
If there is no available history for a complete previous year, then the oldest
actual price will be applied back to the January of the previous year
Price Index Tool – Data Analytics Page 5