Page 482 - Aida Hovsepian Onboarding
P. 482
Christopher Ranch LLC Not Expired Validated 6895 Christopher Ranch LLC PA PA Under Y 12/27/18 07/31/19 12/31/15 $0 $0 No
Christopher's of Huntington Not Expired Validated 4379 Christopher's of Huntington SSA-A SSAA Under Y 01/01/13 02/01/18 04/30/17 $0 $0
Church Brothers, LLC Not Expired Validated 5851 Church Brothers SSA-A 4.1.17-10.31.18 SSAA Under N 04/01/17 10/31/18 02/12/18 04/01/17 10/31/18 $0 $0
Approval in
Church Brothers, LLC Not Expired progress 6873 Church Brothers SSA-A 11.1.18-3.31.20 SSAA Under N 11/01/18 03/31/20 03/01/19 11/01/18 03/31/20 $0 $0
Cinnamonster Franchise Group Not Expired Validated 3080 Cinnamonster Franchise Group PA PA Under Y 10/16/12 10/01/18 03/01/17 $21,806 $21,806 No
City Lighting Products Company Not Expired Validated 6493 City Lighting Products Company SSA-A 1.1.18-12.31.18 SSAA Under N 01/01/18 12/31/18 12/31/19 06/30/17 01/01/18 12/31/18 $0 $0
City Lighting Products Company Not Expired Validated 6661 City Lighting Products Company SSA-A 1.1.19-12.31.19 SSAA Under N 01/01/19 12/31/19 06/30/17 01/01/19 12/31/19 $0 $0
City Lighting Products Company SSA-A xx.xx.xx-
City Lighting Products Company Not Expired Drafted 6661 xx.xx.xx SSAA Under N 01/01/18 12/31/18 06/30/17 $0 $0
Coca Cola Not Expired Validated 2499 Coca Cola Contract SSAA Over Y 01/01/13 12/31/18 01/01/13 12/31/21 $2,752,609 $2,752,609 No
Colorado Premium Foods Not Expired Validated 6413 Colorado Premium Foods PA PA Over Y 11/15/17 10/31/18 $1,860,599 $1,860,599 Yes Aug-19 Yes
Colorado Premium Foods SSA-A Apple, Beef, Select, Top
Colorado Premium Foods Not Expired Validated 6738 Sirloin 1.1.19-12.31.19 SSAA Over N 01/01/19 12/31/19 12/31/19 01/01/19 12/31/19 $2,106,734 $27,562
Colorado Premium Foods Not Expired Drafted 6738 Colorado Premium Foods SSA-A SSAA Under Y 11/14/17 $0 $0 Yes Aug-19 Yes
Commercial Lighting Industries Not Expired Validated 4207 Commercial Lighting Industries SSA-A SSAA Under Y 10/01/09 12/31/16 03/08/17 07/01/11 10/01/13 $0 $0
ConAgra Foods Expired Validated 5997 ConAgra Foods SSA-A Oils 7.1.17-6.30.18 SSAA Over N 07/01/17 06/30/18 07/01/17 06/30/18 $1,257,174 $337,413
ConAgra Foods Not Expired Validated 6551 ConAgra Foods SSA-A Oils 7.1.18-6.30.19 SSAA Over N 07/01/18 06/30/19 06/30/19 06/01/17 07/01/18 06/30/19 $1,264,004 $139,984 No
ConAgra Foods Not Expired Validated 6551 ConAgra Foods SSA-A Oils 7.1.18-6.30.19 SSAA Over N 07/01/18 06/30/19 06/30/19 06/01/17 07/01/18 06/30/19 $1,257,174 $285,422
ConAgra Foods Not Expired Validated 6713 ConAgra Foods SSA-A Beverages 7.1.18-6.30.19 SSAA Over N 07/01/18 06/30/19 06/30/19 06/01/17 07/01/18 06/30/19 $1,264,004 $87,602 No
Cooper-Atkins Corp Not Expired Validated 3209 Cooper-Atkins Corp PA PA Under Y 10/14/13 08/01/16 01/01/18 $170,757 $170,757 No
Cotner Farms Inc. Expired Validated 5623 Cotner Farms SSA-A 9.1.16-8.31.18 SSAA Over N 09/01/16 08/31/18 09/01/16 08/31/18 $1,010,114 $753,269
Cotner Farms Inc. Not Expired Validated 6639 Cotner Farms SSA-A 9.1.18-3.31.20 SSAA Over N 09/01/18 03/31/20 10/31/18 12/16/17 09/01/18 03/31/20 $1,054,508 $44,882 Yes Dec-19 Yes
Coyote Logistics LLC Trans Service Agmt Amendment
Coyote Logistics LLC Not Expired Validated 6302 6.1.17 SSAA Under Y 06/01/17 $0 $0
Creative Consumer Concepts Not Expired Validated 5414 KINEXO Creative Consumer Concepts SSA-A SSAA Over N 03/01/17 02/28/19
Creative Consumer Concepts Not Expired Validated 6097 Creative Consumer Concepts SSA-A 3.1.17-2.28.19 SSAA Over N 03/01/17 02/28/19 02/28/19 12/01/17 03/01/17 02/28/19 $1,002,902 $311,500 No
Creative Consumer Concepts Not Expired Drafted 6896 Creative Consumer Concepts SSA-A xx.xx.xx-xx.xx.xx SSAA Under Y 03/01/17 12/01/17 $0 $0
CreativEnergy Options Not Expired Validated 4360 CreativEnergy Options SSA-A SSAA Under Y 01/01/13 11/18/17 01/01/13 $0 $0
CTI Foods, LLC Not Expired Validated 4496 CTI Foods SSA-A Sauces SSAA Under Y 04/01/12 12/31/17 01/01/17 08/01/14 03/31/16 $0 $0
CTI Foods, LLC Not Expired Validated 6653 CTI Foods PA - Soups & Sauces PA Under Y 06/18/18 12/31/18 01/01/17 $438,448 $302,831 No
Cuisine Solutions Inc. Not Expired Validated 6473 Cuisine Solutions SSA-A - Turkey 1.1.18-12.31.18 SSAA Over N 01/01/18 12/31/18 12/31/18 06/30/17 01/01/18 12/31/18 $8,753,210 $5,850,467 No
Culligan of Greater Kansas City Not Expired Validated 6432 Culligan of Greater Kansas City SSA-A SSAA Under Y 11/10/09 12/30/18 $0 $0
Custom Culinary, Inc. SSA-A -Apple Topping, Vanilla
Custom Culinary, Inc. Not Expired Validated 6307 Sauce 10.1.17-9.30.18 SSAA Over N 10/01/17 09/30/18 09/30/19 10/01/17 10/01/17 09/30/18 $10,383,831 $1,287,206 No
Custom Culinary, Inc. Not Expired Validated 6477 Custom Culinary, Inc. SSA-A 10.1.17-9.30.18 SSAA Over N 10/01/17 09/30/18 09/30/19 10/01/17 10/01/17 09/30/18 $10,383,831 $4,452,962 No
Custom Culinary, Inc. SSA-A -Sweet Sauces 10.1.18-
Custom Culinary, Inc. Not Expired Validated 6730 9.30.19 SSAA Over N 10/01/18 09/30/19 09/30/19 10/01/17 10/01/18 09/30/19 $10,383,831 $3,791 No
Kinexo Custom Culinary, Inc. SSA-A -Sweet Sauces
Custom Culinary, Inc. Not Expired Validated 6741 10.1.18-9.30.19 SSAA Over N 10/01/18 09/30/19
Custom Culinary, Inc. Not Expired Validated 6752 Kinexo Custom Culinary, Inc. SSA-A SSAA Over N 10/01/18 09/30/19
Custom Culinary, Inc. Not Expired Validated 6816 Custom Culinary, Inc. SSA-A 10.1.18-9.30.19 SSAA Over N 10/01/18 09/30/19 09/30/19 10/01/17 10/01/18 09/30/19 $9,883,956 $1,134,676
KINEXO Custom Foods of America French Toast
Custom Foods of America Not Expired Validated 5372 Concentrate SSA-A SSAA Over N 01/01/19 12/31/19
Custom Foods of America Not Expired Validated 5373 KINEXO Custom Foods of America Sauces SSA-A SSAA Over N 01/01/19 12/31/19
Custom Foods of America Not Expired Validated 6298 KINEXO Custom Foods of America SSA-A - Soup SSAA Over N 01/01/19 12/31/19
Custom Foods of America SSA-A French Toast
Custom Foods of America Not Expired Validated 6385 Concentrate 1.1.18-12.31.18 SSAA Under N 01/01/18 12/31/18 12/31/18 01/01/18 01/01/18 12/31/18 $0 $0 No
Custom Foods of America Expired Validated 6480 Custom Foods of America SSA-A Sauces 1.1.18-5.31.18 SSAA Over N 01/01/18 05/31/18 01/01/18 05/31/18 $5,010,956 $177,182 No
Custom Foods of America Not Expired Validated 6520 Custom Foods of America SSA-A Soup 1.1.18-12.31.18 SSAA Over N 01/01/18 12/31/18 12/31/18 01/01/18 01/01/18 12/31/18 $5,010,956 $40,037 No
Custom Foods of America Not Expired Validated 6552 Custom Foods of America SSA-A Sauces 7.1.18-12.31.18 SSAA Over N 07/01/18 12/31/18 12/31/18 01/01/18 07/01/18 12/31/18 $5,010,956 $628,594 No
Custom Foods of America SSA-A French Toast
Custom Foods of America Not Expired Validated 6808 Concentrate 1.1.19-12.31.19 SSAA Under N 01/01/19 12/31/19 12/31/19 01/01/18 01/01/19 01/31/19 $0 $0
Custom Foods of America Not Expired Validated 6817 Custom Foods of America SSA-A Sauces 1.1.19-12.31.19 SSAA Over N 01/01/19 12/31/19 12/31/19 01/01/18 01/01/19 12/31/19 $4,578,422 $639,480
Custom Foods of America Not Expired Validated 6899 Custom Foods of America SSA-A Soup 1.1.19-12.31.19 SSAA Over N 01/01/19 12/31/19 12/31/19 01/01/18 01/01/19 12/31/19 $4,578,422 $17,469
Daisy Brand Not Expired Validated 4461 Daisy SSA-A SSAA Over Y 07/01/13 07/01/18 11/30/17 01/01/17 12/31/17 $3,472,487 $1,526,094
Daisy Brand Not Expired Validated 5250 Daisy SSA-A SSAA Over N 01/01/18 12/31/19 10/31/18 11/30/17 01/01/18 12/31/19 $3,484,675 $849,938 No
Dakota Growers Pasta Co. Not Expired Validated 6488 Dakota Growers Pasta Co. SSA-A 2.1.18-3.31.19 SSAA Over N 02/01/18 03/31/19 01/31/19 10/01/17 02/01/18 03/31/19 $1,583,686 $1,583,686 Yes Jan-19 Yes