Page 17 - Apple Supply Chain Co-op Inc. 2016 Annual Report.
P. 17


             The Administration team is responsible              Price Index (“MPPI”).  The Apple market basket is comprised
             for support functions at the Co-op,  including      of a group of key products from different categories that
             cost management reporting, information technology,   represent approximately 75% of the total spend in an
             data analytics, process improvement, communications,   Applebee’s restaurant, while the MPPI is made of PPI sub-
             membership services, accounting, finance, auditing,   indices that resemble those same products with the same
             compliance, and human resources. The team also manages   mix. Comparing the relative change in both indexes creates a
             third-party vendors who provide additional services in these   more comprehensive view of the impact of contract savings,
             areas.                                              increases, cost avoidances, and underlying commodity market
                                                                 movements. Combined with performance measurements for
             A cross-functional team in the department delivered new   inventory management and the cost savings pipeline, CSCS
             functionality in 2016 that ensures Members are being charged  achieved 100% of its overall Apple Co-op company goals for
             the correct prices in real time, also known as the “price   2016.
             variance analysis” process or “PVA”.  PVA has traditionally
             been done manually and in arrears, sometimes up to six   Co-op membership and active participation are foundational to
             months, which resulted in refund checks for our Members.    building the volume and credibility required to unlock savings
             The new process compares invoice pricing to contracted   that only large-scale systems can realize. At the end of 2016,

                          Combined with performance measurements for
                          inventory management and the cost savings pipeline,

                          CSCS achieved 100% of its overall Apple Co-op
                          company goals for 2016.

             costs on a near real-time basis, and automatically alerts the   100% of the Applebee’s restaurants in the U.S. and Puerto
             appropriate distribution center when discrepancies exist.  The   Rico were Members in the Apple Supply Chain Co-op. The
             new automated approach not only reduces the headcount   Apple Supply Chain Co-op Board of Directors and the Board
             required to perform PVA, it also significantly improves pricing   committees met throughout the year to provide oversight and
             accuracy so you are paying the correct price at all times and   guidance on the Co-op’s activities to ensure proper alignment
             not waiting on the distributor to “true up” with you at the end   with Member interests. Membership was kept informed
             of a period.                                        through weekly Co-op newsletters and special news blasts.

             The Co-op relies on system-wide supplier, distributor, and   In addition, in 2016 we administered a Member financing
             restaurant data to achieve our vision of end-to-end supply   program that was put in place in 2015, maintained several
             chain visibility. Co-op activities such as contract negotiations,   distributor programs to ensure balanced pricing was realized
             inventory management, and pricing compliance all depend on   across all Members, received clean audit opinions for
             timely and accurate information. Strides were made again this   the eighth year in a row, tackled hundreds of information
             year to realize additional pieces of this vision.  Improvements   technology requests, conducted our fourth annual employee
             were implemented in the CSCS vendor portal to increase   engagement survey, conducted our fifth annual Member
             user adoption. Increased levels of supplier inventory data now   Maniac week, completed planning for a Supply Chain Partner
             complement distributor inventories with nearly fifty suppliers   Summit to be held in January 2017, and the list goes on. In
             providing real-time visibility, and another 20-30 on the   addition to the team’s daily responsibilities, we are looking
             docket.  The team also developed and rolled out a customer   forward to 2017 and the opportunities to continuously improve
             relationship management tool to better organize Member data.  our processes and programs resulting in increased value for
                                                                 our Members.
             This year was the Administration department’s second year
             tracking overall performance against a Modified Producer

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