Page 19 - Comparable Market Analysis
P. 19
“ “
We were extremely happy with the service I engaged B&W Real Estate to sell my house
from B&W Taupo. The photos were great, in Taupo and from the outset they were
very professional. It was a quick and easy exceptional in every way. Nothing was too
process and to top it off we got a sale price much trouble, they explained all the options and
that exceeded our expectations! processes and importantly they welcomed and
listened to my thoughts and input.
Anonymous Mike Wildey
“ “
Michele has assisted me as a vendor Thank you for your wonderful service and care
twice and once as a purchaser. From our through the process of selling our house. The
very first dealings I was taken by her honesty, end result has just been perfect, and the new
trust and great communication by keeping owners just love our house as much as we have
me informed throughout the process. I loved it over the years. Thank you again Michele
highly recommend Michele as a professional and B&W Real Estate, a very succesful team
salesperson. effort all around.
Pip Shona and Ray
“ “
I and my son met with Michele and we both As our house was a rental property it was
felt very comfortable and reassured that the not furnished, so B&W greatly improved the
sale of our property would be in safe hands. presentation and appeal of the property using
From the moment we handed keys to Michele their home staging - it looked really great! But
we had no problems or worries. Michele and of course marketing plans and sales teams are
her B&W staff worked around the fact that our judged by the final result - and we were not
house was occupied by holiday makers for disappointed. The auction achieved above our
some times. best expectation.
Max Overdyck Alison and Tony
“ “
Went the extra mile to help me contact a B&W’s service and advice was excellent and
moving company in the South Island. Who I always contacted me after my open homes to
might add gave me prompt service. update on comments and any interest shown.
Anonymous Anonymous