Page 26 - Comparable Market Analysis
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Local Phone Directory

          Building Inspectors            Meth & Asbestos Detection               Solicitors

          Taupo Property                 Lift The Lid Home                       Adrienne Morgan
          Inspections Ltd.               Inspections                             07 378 3580
          Ken Hussey                     Brad Halliwell
          07 376 9296                    027 497 5542                            Cargill Stent Law
          027 248 0918                                                           07 376 0000
          All In One Building            Kyly Coombes                            Central Conveyancing
          Services                       027 223 4385                            07 377 3376
          Steve Hanshaw
          07 377 1050                    Dowdell & Associates
          027 204 1700                                                           Chris Royfee Law
                                         Ltd., Occupational Health               07 378 4101
          Detect A Leak
          John Pope                      09 526 0246                             Gale & Associates
          027 433 8328                                                           07 378 9903
          0800 338 328                   Taupo Property
                                         Inspections Ltd.                        Grantham Law
          First Inspections              Ken Hussey                              07 378 5135
          Geoff Rainbow                  07 376 9296
          07 376 8010                    027 248 0918                            Ian Farquar
          021 413 632                                                            07 378 1859
                                         Mortgage Brokers
          HABiT Rotorua Ltd.                                                     Jensen Waymouth
          Andrew Burton                  Mortgage Link                           07 378 9200
          07 348 2664                    Glen & Wendy Yorke
          027 492 7860                   07 378 8556                             Kate McBreen

                                                                                 07 377 4224
          Lift The Lid Home              Prosper
          Inspections                    Karen Miller
          Brad Halliwell                 07 376 9336                             Kerrie Heaysman
          027 497 5542                                                           07 376 7925

                                         Zest Mortgages
          Inspect NZ - Rotorua           Larn Robinson                           Le Pine & Co.
          Kerry Murphy                   021 331 858                             07 378 5030
          027 222 6747
                                                                                 Malcolm Mounsey Clarke
          Opus International                                                     07 377 8464
          Consultants Ltd.
          07 378 0746                    Keys Valuers                            Michelle Roddan
                                         (formerly Truss & Keys)                 07 378 4349
          Betta Inspect It               07 377 3300
          Simon Spice
          0800 INSPECT                   Veitch Morrison                         Disclaimer: The details given in the list above are a
                                                                                 random sample of local providers and by no means
          027 964 4823                   07 377 2900                             exhaustive. Please feel free to use them or others of
                                                                                 your own choosing.
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