Page 56 - Jurys Employee Handbook 2018 final version 19.7.18
P. 56

Employee Handbook

                   15.        Code of Conduct

               The Code of Conduct is embraced by every-one in the organisation and details
               the values and duties that all stakeholders adhere to. The Code sets out key
               principles which guide us in our work and our decision making.

                                         Our core values and duties to our stakeholders: -
                                            1.  We  employ  and  promote  the  highest  ethical
                                                standards. We comply with the law / regulations,
                                                Group policy and we act in a professional manner
                                                with integrity, honesty and fairness.
                                            2.  We create value for our shareholders.
                                            3.  We  employ  standards  of  dignity  and  respect  for
                                                our colleagues and guests.
                                            4.  We aim to offer our guests exceptional service.

               All  employees  are  responsible  for  reading,
               understanding, and complying with the principles
               as  outlined  in  the  code.  A  full  copy  of  which
               will be issued to you for your signature during
               your induction.

               Employees are encouraged and asked to report and
               genuine  concerns  they  may  have  over  possible
               violations to the code. Concerns may be reported
               anonymously  if  so  wished  through  Expolink.  Such
               concerns will be kept confidential to the extent
               that the law permits.

               You can contact Expolink by calling from
               UK: 0800 374 199 or from Ireland: 1 800 567 014.

               Our Commitment to our Shareholders: -

               Use and Protection of Group Assets

               They have entrusted us with the management of the Companies Assets including
               confidential information. We have a duty of care over such assets to: -

                      Expend monies in an authorised manner so as to ensure value for money
                      Use them in a legal and ethical manner
                      Protect them from damage, loss, waste, misuse or theft
                      Optimise performance and minimise risk

               Accounting Records and Reporting

               We  have  a  responsibility  to  ensure  that  our  financial  and  tax  reporting  is
               complete, accurate and timely.

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