Page 7 - Non-violence and peace-building
P. 7
Non-violence and Peace-building in Islam
action and reaction. The results of following this path
are disastrous.
Whenever a difficult situation arises, the right course
is not to take immediate action but to stop and reflect
patiently on the possible consequences of one’s response.
Those who choose to react by making an immediate
emotional response can only cause an exacerbation of
their difficulties. On the other hand, those who adopt
a well-considered approach will certainly find ways and
means of converting problems into opportunities for
improving the situation that they are faced with. There
is great wisdom in engaging in this sort of result-oriented
planning. This is what this book suggests.
I pray that God makes this book a means for bringing
about the needed transformation in people’s minds and
helps them understand the importance of peace.
Wahiduddin Khan
New Delhi, July 18, 2016