Page 3 - Oakvale Homes magazine 23 Feb 2018
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About Oakvale Homes                               Our People                                        Mission Statement
           Oakvale Homes is one of South East Queensland’s   Owner  Kurt Hansen took over the family           At Oakvale Homes, our mission is to provide the
           most trusted, reliable  and  awarded  building    business from his father Warren, after 30 years in the   very best stress-free building experience possible.
           companies.  We are  second  generation,  locally   industry. Together  with his wife Sharon, they   By combining  expert industry knowledge,  quality
           owned and operated company with strong family     continue  to  uphold  the  extremely  high        products  and great customer service, we strive
           values and exceptional standards. We have been    standard Oakvale Homes has become renowned        to provide our customers with the best value for
           committed to building quality homes in the Gympie,   for, while also modernising the business. Customer   money - whether it’s a small first home, or a luxury
           Cooloola, Sunshine Coast and Fraser Coast regions   satisfaction and a stress-free building process are   ‘forever home‘, we take the same pride and care in
           for over 25 years.                                one of our top priorities.                        every build.

           What We Do                                        Kurt and Sharon  are also big believers  in giving
           Elevated homes are our specialty. Having built    back to the community that helps support them.
           several  hundred  homes in  Gympie  and           They achieve this by employing local tradespeople,
           surrounding  areas, they have become an           shopping local and also supporting several clubs
           Oakvale Homes trademark. We can also build brick   and charities.
           veneer, rendered and even eco-styled homes. Our
           experienced  staff will help you choose from our
           extensive range of floor plans, and modify or
           custom design a home to suit your needs - and we
           help you every step of the way.

                    Internal:     102  sqm        Bed:       4
                    External:     49  sqm         Bath:      2
                    Total:        143  sqm        Living:    1
                                                  Car:       Optional
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