Page 21 - Oakvale Homes magazine 26 Feb 2018 c
P. 21


         1       Design Brief                2    Preliminary                    3   Preliminary                      4    Inclusions
                                                                                       Design &  Costing

         5         Contract                  6    Finance Approval               7    Construction Drawings           8   Colour Selections
                                                                                         and Engineering

         9    Council Submission             10           Build                  11     Maintenance
                                                                                              and Follow-up

        1.  Design Brief*: We produce a concept plan and estimate. We also check relevant overlays. You can then obtain pre-approval for your finance.
        2.  Preliminary Agreement: Our  PA of $2,500 incl gst allows us to begin your Preliminary Designs (PDs), soil tests, bushfire assessment, site visit and taking levels.
        3.  Preliminary Design: We produce a floorplan, elevations and site plan for costing. We then review your design details and cost your plan based on either our ‘Standard’ or ‘Luxury’ Inclusions range.

        4.  Inclusions Selections: We will look at the inclusions in more detail, and upgrade items to our Luxury range inclusions where required.
        5.  Contract: This is a fixed-price Contract, based on all the information we have gathered. From this point there can be no further changes to the design or Inclusions.
        6.  Finance Approval: Your financier will issue final finance approval, based on your plans, inclusions and Contract.
        7.  Construction Drawings and Engineering: We will produce your CDs, engineering documents, foundation design, energy reports for council submission.
        8.  Colour Selections: You will make your final colour selections eg roofing, windows, paint, tiles…
        9.  Council Submission: Your documents are sent to our certifier for approvals.
        10. Build: Your build begins. We provide you with weekly updates on how your build is progressing. We invite you to inspect your home with our building supervisor at each stage.
        11. Maintenance and Follow-Up: We will contact you at 6 months and 12 months to ensure there are no issues with your new home.

                                  102  sqm
        * RP plan and land ownership or Contract on land required.  Bed:  4
                    External:     49  sqm         Bath:      2
                    Total:        143  sqm        Living:    1
                                                  Car:       Optional
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