P. 1

I. Simple photographic lenses cannot -------  6. Potential dehydration is ------- that a land
                  sharp. undistorted images over a wide field.  animal faces.
                 (A) to form                   (A) the often greatest hazard
                 (B) are fonned                (B) the greatest often hazard
                 (C) forming                   (C) often the greatest hazard
                 (D) form                      (D) often the hazard greatest
               1. Of all the factors affecting agricultural  7. By tracking the eye of a hurricane.
                 yields, weather is the one ------ the most.  forecasters can determine the speed at
                                               which -------.
                 (A)  it int1uences fanners
                 (B) that influences farmers   (A) is a ~torm moving
                 (e) farmers that it inl1uences  (B) a storm is moving
                 (D) why faimers inl1uence it  (C) is moving a storm
                                               (D) a moving storm'
               3. Beverly Sills, ------,  assumed director.                       ,
                 ship of the New York City Opera in 1979.  8. The Grapes of lfultlt. a novel about the
                                               Depression years of the 1930's. is one of
                 (A) be a star soprano         John Steinbeck's ---->-- books.
                 (B) was a star soprano
                 (C) a star soprano and        (A) most famous                    \
                 (D) a star soprano            (B) the most famous
                                               (C) are.most famous
               4. ------- of tissues is known as histology.  (D) and most famous
                 (A) Studying scientific                                          ~,
                 (B) The scientific study    9. Technology will playa key role in ------,
                 (C) To study scientifically   future life-styles.
                 (D) That is scientific studying  (A) to shape
                                               (B) shaping
               5. With the exception of mercury. ------- at  (C) shape of
                 standard temperature and pressure.  (0) shaped
                 (A) the metallic elements are solid
                 (B) which is a solid metallic element  10. The computer has dramatically affected
                 (C) metallic elements being solid  ------ photographic lenses are constructed.  ~
                 (D) since the metallic elements are solid  (A) is the way
                                               (B) that the way
                                               (C) which way do
                                               (0) the way


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