Page 4 - August 2023 CW Magazine
P. 4

The Power

        of Resilience                                            I started learning resilience at a young age. As
                                                                 an  only  child  of  a  19-year  old,  I  pretty  much
                                                                 had to grow up self-sufficient and driven. What
                                                                 I didn’t learn growing up was self-love or self-
                                                                 confidence  and,  as  a  result,  I  ended  up  in  a
         By Lori Osborne                                         codependent, abusive relationship that lasted

                                                                 18 years. I would say resilience got me through
                                                                 the relationship, but it took colon cancer at 36
        What  is  resilience…really?  According  to  the         years old to find the strength to leave. I hadn’t
        Oxford Languages dictionary, resilience is “the          fully developed enough of a resilience muscle
        capacity  to  withstand  or  to  recover  quickly        in  my  20s  and  early  30s  to  get  out,  but
        from difficulties; toughness.” Toughness. I love         overcoming cancer and finding the strength to
        that  because  I  believe  it  takes  toughness  to      start over was absolutely resilience. Even more
        exhibit true resilience, which, at the core, is the      so, however, was the resilience to not give up
        refusal  to  give  up  or  give  in  no  matter  what    on LOVE!
        gets in the way or tries to bring you down! I am
        not sure if resilience is something we are born          Too  often  I  see  people  hurt  in  relationships
        with, but I am absolutely certain it is a muscle         and,  as  a  result,  turn  away  from  love,
        we can develop and make stronger in order to             convinced that true love is a falsehood, and it
        overcome life’s challenges so we can flourish.           breaks my heart.

        4  I                            THE CONTEMPORARY WOMAN MAGAZINE
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