Page 21 - June 2023 CW Magazine Rev1
P. 21
Clarifying what I wanted in every key area
(health, relationships, career, spiritual,
financial, and social life) became the
foundation on which everything else was
built. And in this clarity I found freedom.
Amazing freedom, decisions became easy
and guilt-free. I was free to spend my time,
energy, and money on the things that
mirrored my desires not those of someone
Now with an understanding of what I did
want, the next question was what was
keeping me from having those things in
my life? There were many beliefs that were
lying deep in my subconscious and they
were playing a role I couldn’t see. I set out
to really know and own what were my true
beliefs and values. I honored those that
Statistics say that less than 2% of the
population can answer the question…What were serving me and released those that
do you want? It’s not a linear question but were not with the help of coaches of my
rather a deep heart and soul level own and some amazing master trainers.
question. One that once answered can be
life changing. So with clarity around what I wanted and
the tools to identify and clear what was
Like most people, I was shaped and keeping me from it, the next big step was
influenced right from birth by my parents, to claim the life I wanted.
extended family, clergy, educators, etc. As
a result, I learned to want what I was This is where intention meets
taught to want. And then I began to live commitment. It calls into question why I
my life accordingly and to follow along the want something and if I want it enough to
path “I was supposed to follow”. Before I do what’s required to have it. I had to
knew it, I was completely submerged in a figure out who I was required to be, and
life I never really planned for myself. I often what I was required to do (more
felt disconnected from my life or like it importantly what to stop doing) in order to
never really fit me. have what I wanted in my life.