P. 32
Day Student Teachers
Sunday 17/6 Partners arrive from the airport *
Monday 18/6 8:30 Partners arrive at Lykeio Polemidion
8:45 Welcome happening and tour of the school
10:00 Coffee break
10:30 A taste of Modern Greek – Lesson for beginners Gr.1 room: ??
12:30 Art: Create a “Tree of learning”.
Theme: ICT and its role in the future, classrooms of the future.
13:30 Free time
19:30 Dinner and welcome party (KARAOKE night)
Tuesday 19/6 8:30 Trip
Akrotiri environmental centre, Kolossi Castle, Ancient Curium, Temple of Apollo
1:30 Return to Limassol free time. Return to Limassol. Lunch and
free time
17:30 Walk along the promenade and through the centre of Limassol. This will give
you all a chance to see both the old and new parts of the town, from Medieval times
to the present.
Wednesday 20/6 8:30 Workshop within which the students Presentation for teachers:
present and exchange their ideas on classroom The aim is professional
motivation and anxiety in the EFL, Mathematics development in the use of
and Science classrooms (ie. Use of group work, teaching strategies and
projects, autonomy…whatever the students feel behaviours in increasing
appropriate). These ideas will be used to make classroom motivation and/or
the video reducing classroom anxiety,
taking into account the results
of this project (Miranda)
10:30 Coffee break
11:00 Students split into five groups** and make 3 Collaborative teacher
minute videos on good teaching practices, taking workshop on policy reform
into account strategies and behaviours which recommendation - teachers
motivate them and reduce their anxiety. will have analyzed the current
Working title for the videos: Learn from us, a state of legislation of
guide for teachers on how to motivate us and addressing student classroom
reduce our classroom anxiety. (Akis) motivation and anxiety. Though
** 2 on anxiety, 2 on motivation & 1 on teacher the course of the workshop
behaviours in general teachers prepare
recommendations for policy