Page 5 - Q&A-DNP-07-26-2017-v05b_Flat
P. 5
“I study whenever and
DNP Executive Leadership, Cohort 11
Fort Lauderdale, Fla.
Is the program Also, don’t be afraid to ask
manageable with the professors questions
your work and life and for help. They are
constraints? How do very supportive. They all
you manage with work want you to succeed as
and family? much as you do.
It is manageable. You What did the seven-day
havetogiveupafew residency consist of?*
things like watching your Was there any downtime?
favorite sitcom or watching The residency program is
sports or a hobby for a busy and during the
short while. The sacrifice evening you have some
is short compared to the time to socialize, but it is
long-lasting benefit of serious work.
education and career
benefit. What advice do you have
for a prospective DNP
How much time do
It’s been a long time since student?
I’ve been to school – I’m you spend on the It is important to focus on
concerned about getting DNP courses? All your goal and the benefit
into the school mentality weekend? Late nights? of education. According to
and the time constraints What do the assignments the 2000 census, only two
on my already full consist of? percent of the U.S.
schedule. Do you have I study whenever and population have a
any advice? wherever. I travel a lot so doctorate. If you want to
I read in the airport, plane,
It is normal to feel concern be one in the elite
about your schedule, but at night and weekends. category, you should get
once you complete your How is the support from your DNP. Besides, the
first or second course, you faculty/peers? only thing of value you
will figure out a way to The faculty is very nice own that no one can take
plan your schedule. The and easy going. Don’t be away from you is your
first step is always difficult. shy to get close to a few education. My father often
colleagues to call upon. reminds of this.
The seven-day residency has since been changed to a four-day residency the first year and a
two-day virtual residency the second year.