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           When you’re deep in the throes of a nursing program—be it for an Associate
           Degree, BSN, RN to MSN, or a  Ph.D.—the book learning and clinical
           experiences are generally foremost in your mind, as they should be.
           However, there’s more to education than book learning, and keeping your
           mind open to other aspects of the experience is prudent.

           We normally think of networking as something we do out in the
           professional world, but it’s actually a practice that can be integrated into
           most every aspect of our lives. You can network at the grocery store or
           playground, when you’re online, as well as during school; you never know
           when a meaningful relationship will sprout, so pay attention to the signs and
           recognize when a new connection is ripe with potential.

           Networking and your nursing education

           Whether you’re attending a brick and mortar nursing school or an online
           program, the relationships you nurture with your professors, clinical
           preceptors, mentors, and fellow students truly matter.

           In online learning programs, you may collaborate on projects with other
           students, participate in online discussions, and connect with students
           and professors on LinkedIn, Facebook, and other platforms. Many online
           students talk on the phone or Skype with one another; some may even meet
           in person when traveling for business or pleasure.

           The networking mindset

           Every relationship with another individual—whether they’re professional
           colleagues or not—has the makings of a meaningful connection. While
           some relationships may not specifically move your career forward, you
           cannot predict the future impact of that connection.
           For example, a fellow student in your healthcare statistics course might
           introduce you to a colleague who is able to help you land your dream job
           after finishing the program; or perhaps your clinical preceptor at the local
           hospital decides to recommend you for a position that you wouldn’t have
           known about otherwise. Or maybe, when you decide to move across the
           country, a former student colleague connects you with just the right people
           in your new hometown.
           The networking mindset is like an open flower that welcomes every drop of
           rain that falls on its petals. Some drops might roll off, land on the ground,
           and feed the flower’s roots, while others may settle into the bulb and sparkle
           in the sun.


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