Page 4 - cn - fg -fragments and traces -studio draft 2024
P. 4

Fragments and Traces

            The world in which we live, in the majority of cases, is formed and created as a consequence of our thoughts becoming manifest as action or
            reaction, resulting in forming and altering nature and the material world. Our thoughts can create peace, harmony and beauty in sympathy within
            society and nature.
            Alternatively, we can, in extreme situations create a semblance of a hell- state with its wake of destruction, discord, suffering and violence.
            War necessitates society’s use of energy consuming resources, both human and material. Consequently, there is creative potential to either prevent
            or cause destruction through the act of conflict. On the other hand, the contra expression of the pursuit for peace within society works with
            materials and nature to realise a state of aesthetic beauty and harmony, which can be shared and owned by many.
            Humanity, through the thirst for knowledge in order to realise it’s being, place and value in the universe.
            Explores through theology, philosophy and science, each in specific terms of reference and perspective and therefore questioning with resulting
            language. Attempting to form a narrative an actualization of what is already created in the form of potentiality within the cosmos.
            Creativity through imagination are internal constructs of consciousness, especially manifested in an outer expression of self, becomes existent in
            the world, an act of sharing, an act of disclosure, an act of love.
             At the moment an idea has form it is manifested in the world of ‘mind’ to which  human response is made with  consequential  change in thinking
            in terms of understanding and perspectives. If the idea is manifested in action and creative outpouring through the utilisation of the earth’s
            materials and contained potentialities, the idea is born { manifested in the world of formed matter and measured time} into the physical world.

            The manifestation is then separate independent of the creator or creators, it acquires it’s own entity  and dynamism, whether through physical
            consequence or adoption of society; it becomes a validation of the existence of self set apart but remains part of the creative source of self.
             A dialogue is formed between the creator and that which is an externalised manifestation of the original concept and  perception.
            When any subsequent creative engagement is made from a new standpoint, a relationship in terms of aesthetic valuation and response is initiated.

             The mind, and in particular the subconscious could be seen as the interface between the abstract undisclosed state of mind and the physical state of
            formed matter.
            Fantasy the product of the human mind derived from visions, dreams, imagination and inspiration; allows us to venture beyond the constraints of
            the present, it aids us to live in a transient multi -faceted reality of the physical { material} world.
            Reality is always momentary, a change in any aspect or experience changes reality.
            Reality is the experience that we comprehend at any given time, our understanding and judgement is based on our unique pathway in life.
            Reality cannot be shared,  because perceived reality is inextricably related to the self and ones internal state.
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