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Top ten team tips

Scrutinize. Let us take you out to see the “competition”

... then come home and:

• Open your front door. Stand there. Do you want to go inside? Does the house welcome you?
• Linger in the doorway of every single room and imagine how your house will look to a buyer. If
something catches your eye that shouldn’t…move or remove it!
• Examine carefully how furniture is arranged and move pieces around until it makes sense
• Make sure window coverings hang level
• Tune in to the room’s statement and its emotional pull. Does it make a statement?
• Does it feel warm and welcoming without being yours…but potentially theirs?

Check Curb appeal

If a buyer won’t get out of her agent’s car because she doesn’t like the
exterior of your home, you’ll never get her inside. This is where money
is well spent. First impression is so important and many overlook
simple steps.
• Spring/Fall Clean up (yes, we have a great guy!!)
• Keep the sidewalks and driveways cleared
• Mow/rake/ weed the lawn
• Paint faded window trim…check for rot on sills
• What does your front door look like? Hardware? Do the locks stick?
• Plant yellow flowers or group flower pots together. Yellow evokes a
buying emotion. Marigolds are inexpensive
• Mailbox? Buy a new one if this is “iffy”
• Make sure visitors can clearly read your house number

Partner Directory | 203.259.8326
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