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Higgins Group Real Estate

  Julie Vanderblue joined           As members of the National             Richard Higgins
The Higgins Group in 2004         Association of Realtors, the        Chairman and Founder
when Higgins offered 2 offices.   Connecticut Association of        Higgins Group Real Estate
One of the reasons she left       Realtors, and numerous local
her position as the Number        boards and MLS associations,      Richard Higgins is the
One agent in the Fairfield/       Higgins Group Real Estate         Chairman and Founder of
Southport Office of another       professionals also hold a wide    Higgins Group Real Estate.
Top Producing company (and        range of designations and         Established in 1997, the
the number 9 agent of 1,500       are at the top of their field.    company has grown from one
agents company wide) was          The group’s affiliation with      office with one agent to 12
because she saw the potential     Christie’s International Real     offices and almost 350 agents.
of where The Higgins Group        Estate also enables its Realtors  A third generation broker,
was heading. Creative Growth      to have an international reach    Mr. Higgins has 36 years of
is what drives Julie and The      unlike other real estate groups   experience in the real estate
Higgins Group offered a perfect   in the area.                      industry as a builder/developer
environment to fuel her team.                                       of over 200 luxury homes in
                                    Buyers and sellers that         the tri-state area and as a
  Higgins Group Real Estate       want to do business with a        practicing real estate attorney.
was founded in 1997 by            real estate firm that values      A dedicated family man, he
Richard Higgins, and has          impeccable negotiation skills     resides in Greenfield Hill with
evolved to be the fastest         and is up-to-date on the latest   his wife and their children.
growing local real estate         trends in the market, rely on
company in Fairfield County.      Higgins Group Real Estate to
One of the reasons for Higgins’   deliver time and time again.
success is its commitment
to creating a welcoming             Thanks to Higgins Group’s
environment for its real estate   strong work ethic & expansive
agents, always encouraging        network, buyers and sellers
Realtors to think outside of the  come together across the
box and be open to new ideas      town, country and world to
to help sellers better compete    find the perfect property in
in a crowded marketplace and      one of Fairfield County’s many
buyers find their dream home.     wonderful neighborhoods.

Marketing Connecticut Real Estate
         at the Highest Level
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