Page 44 - 158 Imperial Avenue Westport Brochure 2025
P. 44



                               estport,     Connecticut,          three  town  beaches,  the  Saugatuck  River,
                               a    picturesque     town          Sherwood Island State Park, and more. The
                               nestled     in    Fairfield        renowned  Main  Street  Downtown  boasts
                               County,  is  a  true  gem          breathtaking architecture, a variety of shops
                               along  the  Long  Island           and  restaurants,  and  the  Westport  Public
         W Sound. Located in close                                Library for residents to enjoy.
         proximity to New York City, Westport offers
         a peaceful escape from the hustle and bustle             Westport  is  also  home  to  a  dynamic
         of city life. With its stunning coastline and            commercial  industry  with  a  variety  of
         vibrant community, Westport resides within               business  sectors,  including  finance  and
         the prestigious Gold Coast region.                       insurance, boutique spaces for professional
                                                                  services,  retail,  and  small  businesses.  One
         In the early 1900s, Westport became a hub                notable example is Bridgewater Associates,
         of  cultural  activity  due  to  the  large  influx      the largest hedge fund in the world, located
         of  artists  moving  to  the  area.  Westport            on the 53-acre Nyala Farm. The town’s two
         continues to be home to a vibrant community.             business  centers,  Main  Street  Downtown
         Residents  can  explore  attractions  such  as           and  Saugatuck  Center,  contribute  to  its
         outdoor performances at the beautiful Levitt             status as a thriving business community.
         Pavilion, captivating shows at the Westport
         Community Theater, and the internationally               This enviable lifestyle is further enhanced by
         known Westport Country Playhouse. There                  Westport’s excellent transportation access,
         are  endless  creative  opportunities  present           connecting  residents  to  New  England  and
         in this charming town.                                   New  York’s  economic,  sports,  and  cultural
                                                                  opportunities via Metro-North, the Merritt
         Blessed  with  natural  beauty,  Westport                Parkway, and I-95.
         has  the  most  ocean  and  river  waterfront
         in  the  entire  state,  allowing  for  plenty  of
         beach and outdoor activities. It is home to
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