Page 7 - Hattertown Road_316
P. 7
THE SPROAT BARN The addition that was done on the existing house came from the Sproat Tavern & Barn in Middle- boro, Massachusetts Circa 1699. This was a thriving business at a historic time when the country was forming and preparing for independence. Benjamin Franklin was recorded as visiting the tav- ern and barn in the early 1700’s. The barn was built with heavy timbers to that carriages could be winched to the second and third levels for storage. It was in business for over 200 years, and the barn was dismantled in 2004 and relocated to Monroe, Ct in 2008. While standing in the house, you can see the teeth marks from the horses on some of the timbers, as well as the numbering sys- tem and peg holes. The 34’ height gives you a true magnitude of the size and storage capacity that this thriving barn once commanded. RECONSTRUCTED ORIGINAL BARN IN MONROE IN MASSACHUSETTS 203-259-8326
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