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P. 9

A Tri ute To Bar ara S oc

                    It is with great sadness that we have learnt, on going to
                    press today, of the passing of our great supporter and
                    former trustee Barbara Shock.  She died at the age of 93
                    on the 15th November 2022.  Our sincere condolences go
                    out to her family at this difficult time.
 On  top  of  that,  Lavinia  Green  raffled  off  a  prize  she  had  won  in  a  separate
 competition  and  managed to raise enough money  to supply the school’s  art   Barbara was  one of the original founding members of the
 department with 4 brand new sewing machines and all the kit that goes with   charity nearly 50 years ago and her importance to the existence of
 them (needles, cottons, bobbins, scissors etc) – we should also thank Jan   the charity today cannot be overestimated.  She was a driving force until
 Reynold’s friend Bob Mills for allowing us to use his John Lewis discount card which   only a few years ago when she retired due to health issues.
 gave us 12% off the £500 purchase price.
                    Barbara was, for decades, solely responsible for administering and
 At the time of putting this newsletter together, we are now in the throes of organising the   overseeing the entirety of our appeals process purely from her own
 next phase of our involvement and that is the Allotment Project (mentioned earlier in this   resources. She spent a great deal of her time in visiting the deserving
 booklet) The school has a large allotment plot which needs a lot of TLC and rebuilding.  Their   causes and ensuring that awards were placed where most needed and
 old shed finally collapsed this year, so we are going to landscape the plot, put new decking   in organising our flagship christmas lunch.
 in as a base for a new shed and buy a load of new battery-operated tools for the children
 to use safely so they can maintain the allotment once it’s up together.   This particular   This sad news is still very fresh with us and a fuller considered tribute
 project will cost in the region of £4500 - £5000 but we consider this to be so important.    will follow in due course.
 The children will be able to grow their own food, then with that food, they will prepare
 and cook it and make amazing meals in the school kitchens – all the whilst they are doing   For the moment, farewell and god bless you barbara, we shall miss
 this, they are building relationships, working as a team, learning new skills and even doing   your  robust sense  of humour  and  indomitable strength of
 Maths without realising it (sshhhh don’t tell them)  This project is a fantastic legacy as it can   character.
 be passed on to every new intake of pupils – we can visibly see the benefits it will bring to
 the pupils – thank you to Beaverbrooks Jewellers and Bristol Freemasons who have made   Thank you for everything and rest in peace.
 this possible – without their funding, it would still be on the “Wishlist”
                            Tim Duggan
 Thank you also  to all  that  are  involved in  this  whole  Community  Project, you  really  are   President, Bristol Children’s Charity
 making a massive difference to these children’s lives  16th november 2022
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