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From Fighter to Faith Fanatic
Determined to make it,
Comes what may,
Determined to stay the course,
Even in the face of a delay.
You fight the good fight,
Determined to make your own
Kedesha is a Foreign Language way, It’s not your way!
Educator of Spanish & French. Didn’t you know that God,
She studied in Jamaica, Puerto Dictates the night & day.
Rico, Spain & France. Her In your furious fight,
insatiable passion for personal and You cry out – May Day, May Day
professional excellence have Your anchor gave way!
allowed her to wear many hats God? Didn’t you hear me pray?
which include: Author, Teacher, Why did You delay? I wanted my
Children’s Story Teller & Writer, own way, My way! My Way!
Empowerment Mentor, as well as Don’t get irate during your wait,
Creative Director for Wedding His plans aren’t designed
Graphics. She aims to inspire, To lead you astray.
empower and encourage persons He promises major increase for
to be deliberate about pursuing your multiple decrease.
their God given purpose(s). Fervent faith never grows old,
Kedesha promotes intentional It soothes your aching soul,
positive energy so that the It magnifies God’s miracles,
negative elements of life will not In the face of all your obstacles.
permeate our persona and cripple Fight to keep your faith,
our growth. Stay humble during your wait.
I: @kedgoode Get your copy of her book –
I: @creativegoodenesshub Sorrow Soothers. Mind Pleasers &
FB: Kedesha Dallas Goode Victory Verses©2017 at Bookophilia
T: 876.822.5634 PAMPHLET VI :: SERIES 1 :: JUNE 2018