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Artificial cultivation test of inonotus hispidus parasitizing on mulberry
Canye Kexue 42(6):1085-1091 (Chinese)
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Seasonal incidence and intensity of parasitization of uzi fly on
Antheraea proylei under different climatic zones of Manipur
Sericologia 56(4): 229-234, (English)
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Preliminary identification of Rhynchaenus ( Orchestes) maculosus, a
newly-recorded pest species infesting oak in Liaoning tussah silkworm
rearing area
canye kexue 42(5): 799-804 (Chinese)
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Pheromone dose and set height of pheromone traps for efficient
collection of wild mulberry silkmoths, Bombyx mandarina
Journal of Insect Biotechnology and Sericology 86(2):55-57 (English)