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               (Faculty of Science, The University of Western Australia, Crawley, Australia)

               A  comparative  investigation  of  Bombyx  mori  silk  fibroin  hydrogels
               generated by chemical and enzymatic cross-linking
               Biotechnology and Applied Biochemistry, 64(6):771-781 (English)

               3#0":2	!)12'21

               (Department of Animal Production and Technology, Aksum University, PO Box 314,
               Shire, Ethiopia)
               Effect  of  substituting  dried  mulberry  (Morns  alba)  leaves  for
               concentrate  mixture  on  growth  performance  and  carcass
               characteristics in lambs fed a natural pasture hay based diet

               Indian Journal of Animal Nutrition, 34(1):13-20 (English)

               1< #0%3 
 .0%1%2 . #2,0 	  132%1  ! 5,0%<
               (Unit of Allergy, University Hospital of La Plana, Vila2Real, Spain)

               Identification of a lipid transfer protein as a new allergen from Morus
               alba pollen
               Journal of Investigational Allergology and  Clinical Immunology, 27(4):263-
               265 (English)

               86 6#6%#
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               (The Sericultural Research Institute ot Shandang Province, Yantai Shandang 264002,
               Effects  of  processing  technological  conditions  on  1-Deoxynojirimycin
               content in mulberry leaf tea

               Canye Kexue,  42(6):1062-1067 (Chinese)

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