Page 132 - YEARBOOK 2017-2018
P. 132

Golden Masonic Center - 400 Tenth St. Golden CO 80401

                                                       Proud to support our Masonic Youth!
                                                  Amaranth Meetings every 4th Tuesday at 7:30

Proud to be a part of Colorado DeMolay                   Proud to support our Youth

Meetings on First and Third Wednesdays            Meetings on 2nd and 4th Wednesdays at
          every month at 7:00 PM                                     7:30 pm

Come join us! See what we’re all about!                    Order of the Eastern Star

Proud to be a part of the youth groups in Golden    Proud to be a part of the International Order of
 Meetings on 2nd and 4th Mondays at 7:00 PM                            Rainbow Girls
          Contact us at
                                                  Meetings on First and Third Thursdays at 7:00 PM

                                                            Mother Advisor—Eve Trengove
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