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Her current work investigates the term POIESIS, from which the   Museum of Contemporary Art, Vitebsk. (Belarus).  2018. The roots of   Aviles. Asturias, (Spain). 2012. The others. Interactive installation. BI-  Cultural Center Conde Duque. Madrid City Council, (Spain). 2001. Piet
 term poetry derives, from a Culture of Peace perspective. Pla-  the flight (Project NEFT_B / The Root), National Museum of Contem-  TAMINIC collective. CMAE Municipal Art and Exhibition Center, Noche   Zwart Institute, Fine Art Program Willem De Kooning Academy. Rotter-
 porary Art, Minsk, (Belarus). 2015. The verse of Hipsípila, Sala Zaida,   Negra de Avilés. Asturias, (Spain). 2011. The piano of the poor. BITA-  dam Estancias FPU, Ministry of Education and Culture, Government of
 to referred to the Poieisis as “the cause that converts anything
 Caja Rural de Granada Foundation, (Spain). 2013. Minimum Death, De-  MINIC The night in Blanco de Málaga, Málaga City Hall, (Spain). 2011.   Spain. 2001-2005. FPU Grant Ministry of Education and Culture. Docto-
 we consider from non-being to being.” Heidegger referred to it
 bla Gallery, Granada, (Spain). 2004. Innocence of Re-Bajas. Installation.   Performance ODEPS, Invisible House of Malaga, 2011. 2007. Overseas,   ral studies and training of university professors, Government of Spain.
 as enlightenment, in its broadest sense. And from there to the   Euskalduna Palace of Arts and Music. Bilbao, (Spain). 2003. Re-Casual-  Museum Institute of America, Damián Bayón Center, Santa Fe, Grana-  2000. Intensive Program Scholarship. The sculpture dans la ville. Paris
 discovery of the ‘poetic reason’ that the Malaga philosopher,   ties of Innocence. Carmen of the Martyrs. Granada City Hall, (Spain).   da, (Spain). 2007. Overseas, Embassy of Spain, Havana, (Cuba). 2005.   VIII Université Socrates Program. Vicennes-Saint Denis, Paris, (France).
 thinker and essayist María Zambrano displayed, which is a kind   2003. Innocent, Herbert Marcuse Gallery. San Diego, (USA). 2002. Mul-  Max Matograph. Councilor for Culture of the City Council of Santa Fe.   1999. École Supérieure d’Art Visuel de Genève, Geneva, (Switzerland).
 of  self-discovery  method  of being  through  one’s  own actions.   tiplicity-Individualcity: Installation. Bezel Art Gallery. Cartagena, Mur-  Granada, (Spain). 2005. The colors of the earth. Art against the fence of   FPU stays. Ministry of Education and Culture, Government of Spain.
 cia, (Spain).  2001. Multiplicity-Individualcity: Photography. Labyrinth   death. Official College of Architects of Granada, (Spain). 2004. Granada   1999. Landscape grant from the Rodríguez Acosta Foundation. Direc-
 Aixa Portero impregnates her work with autobiographical nuan-
 Art Gallery. Granada, (Spain). 1999. Trans-Appearances. Palace of the   Art Today. Municipal Hall Cultural Center Grand Captain. Granada City   torate General for Cooperation and Cultural Communication, Ministry of
 ces, however, when addressing her proposals, she does so from
 Counts of Gabia. Room B. Provincial Council of Granada, (Spain).  Hall, (Spain). 2004. Art for Peace Contest. Corrala de Santiago, Univer-  Education and Culture of Spain. 1999. Scholarship of the International
 the simplicity in terms of materialization and visualization of   sity of Granada, (Spain). 2003. 9th Floor. 8601 Wilshire. Los Angeles,   Art Fair, Arco’99. Discussion tables on contemporary art. Arco-Funda-
 the different pieces.  California, (USA). 2003. IARTE Hotel. Seville, (Spain). 2002. 24 Hours.   ción Ico-Spanish Agency for International Cooperation, (Spain). 1998.
 COLLECTIVE EXHIBITIONS (Selection)  Roem Gallery. Rotterdam, (Holland). 2002. 24 Hours_Hortus Ludi, Ma-  Selected in First Prize of Young Painting of Granada. Gran Capitán Cul-
 2019. Dracula x Dracula. Juan Miguel Quiñones project. Valentín de Ma-  rres Center for Contemporary Culture, Maastricht, (Netherlands). 2002.   tural Center. City Hall of Granada, (Spain). 1997. Erasmus scholarship.
 ACADEMIC TRAINING  dariaga Foundation, Seville, (Spain).  2019. ArtMarbella. International   30x30. Labyrinth Gallery. Granada, (Spain). 2002. IARTE Hotel. Sevilla   97/98 academic year at St. Lukas Hoger Institut, Brussels, Belgium. Mi-
 2006. Doctor of Fine Arts (European Mention). University of Granada,   Fair of modern and contemporary art. USC Gallery Miami (USA). Mar-  Spain).  2002. Alonso Cano Awards. Royal Hospital Cruise. University   nistry of Education and Culture, Government of Spain.
 (Spain). 2003 - Present. Member of the Institute of Peace and Conflicts.   bella, (Spain). 2019. Black Heart, White Heart. Showroom. Town hall of   of Granada, (Spain). 2002. Arterofilia, Sandunga Art Gallery. Granada,
 University of Granada, (Spain).  2002-2003. University of California,   Alhaurín el Grande, Málaga (Spain). 2019. A violet door, Carmen Jiménez   (Spain). 2001. Artexpo. Fira d’Art of Barcelona. Emerging Art, Lab-
 San Diego, Department of Visual Arts, PhD Visiting researcher UCSD,   Building. La Zubia, Granada, (Spain). 2018. Natural Selection, Exhibition   yrinth Gallery. Barcelona,   Spain). 2000. Ailleurs Mire art Contemporain
 (USA). 2001-2002. Postgraduate Piet Zwart Institute, Willem Fine Arts   Hall of the Chapel, Royal Hospital. Granada, (Spain). 2018. Some places   project. Uni Mail, University of Genève, Geneva, (Switzerland).  2000.
 Program of Kooning Academy, Rotterdam, (Netherlands). 1999-2000.   of painting. Approaching María Zambrano. Showroom. Centro Hispano   Outiding Outsiders Outside Story Inside City. Sous-Soul Gallery. Geneva,
 Postgraduate course in Plastic Research at the École Supérieure d’Art   Marroquí Málaga, (Spain). 2016. Beauty, Exhibition Center of the City   Switzerland).
 Visuel de Genève, Geneva, (Switzerland). 1998. Bachelor of Fine Arts.   of Benalmádena, Málaga, (Spain). 2016. Light time, Municipal Heritage
 Sculpture and Painting (Sculpture specialty in 1998, specialty in painting   Museum, Malaga, (Spain). 2016. Art is the model, MAD, Museum of Art   AWARDS AND SCHOLARSHIPS
 in 2003), University of Granada, (Spain). 1997-1998. Completion of un-  of the Diputación de Málaga, Antequera, (Spain). 2015. Downloading,   2019. Part of relevant private collection in Latin America. 2018. First
 dergraduate studies (Honorable Mention) at Sint-Lukas Hoger Institute,   Poetry and new artistic practices. Athenaeum Cultural Center of Malaga,   Spanish artist Selected to exhibit at the National Museum of Contem-
 Brussels, (Belgium). Erasmus scholarship.  (Spain). 2015. Beauty, MAD, Museum of Art of the Diputación de Mála-  porary Art. from Belarus. Neft-B / The Root project. Embassy of Belarus
 ga. Antequera, (Spain). 2015. Beauty, La Térmica, Center for Contempo-  in Spain. Minsk, (Belarus). 2011. Help for research seminar in contem-
 rary Culture, Delegation of Malaga. 2014. III Miradas de Mujeres Festival,   porary art: For the creation of a Culture of Peace. University of Granada,
 INDIVIDUAL EXHIBITIONS (Selection)  MAV, Granada, (Spain). 2013. Of stories. Interactive installation. BI-  (Spain).  2003. Aid for Artistic Creation. Foundation for freedom, Bil-
 2019. Natura Root. La Cometa Gallery, Bogotá.(Colombia). 2019. PATH   TAMINIC collective. Night in Blanco de Aviles. Asturias, (Spain). 2012.   bao, (Spain). 2002. Visual Arts Department. UCSD, San Diego, Califor-
 Project, ArtVilnius´19, International Contemporary Art Fair, Vilnius,   In-time, interuniversity (international) artistic exhibition: “Invisibles”   nia, USA. FPU stays. Ministry of Education and Culture, Government of
 (Lithuania). 2018. The roots of the flight (Project NEFT_B / The Root),   Jaén, (Spain).  2012. Timeless, interactive installation. Black Night of   Spain. 2002. Medialab Madrid: Aid for artistic creation. Medialab Madrid
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