Page 27 - FMH7
P. 27

Last month I facilitated a workshop
for feminists of color in Seattle.
It was part of a Women Of Color event
that I organized with 3 other people,
that centered around art and perfor-
mance. I wanted this to happen because
I constantly am appalled and pissed
off by how creative outlets, art press
and media still invisibilizes and ex-
cludes people of color.
Manual labor, work and non-conceptual/non-intel- lectual stuff still seems like the expected terri- tory of POC and the work- ing class, and expression, art and most stages/platforms STILL feel like the exclusive playgrounds of white people, unless the race factor is a novelty, essentialist point, or fetishization. This is also reflected in music and dance performance, even though all artforms belong to everybody, and historically, popular music and dance we recognize today in main- stream media was brought to fame through oppressed POC, creating these in times of struggle and poverty.
Anyway, this stage and exhibition was
for women of color only, and so was
the workshop. 700 people came to the
event, here follows some photos.

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