Page 25 - FMH7
P. 25
What is happening with your new label?
Is Monterrey your home?
With REACCIONA, my last release was the 7” of LCDLC, it was co-released with some labels from friends, but I was thinking in close that chapter, with the years passed I move far away from Punk/Hardcore and I wanted to come back to my Metal roots, my love for Occult and Dark stuff always called me, so I decide to start a new effort, but now oriented to the Metal scene, now called ACROSS INFERNAL WASTELANDS and I started releas- ing our new release on tape, with the help of 2 labels of friends.
How do you balance having a family with touring, play- ing music, and working in the shop?
There’s no balance, when you live in Mexico, you have no choice, or you decide to have a regular job or sell pirated stuff or you decide the hardest way, support something that the mostly of people doesn’t care, living with D.I.Y. ethics and surviving and struggling everyday. My family sometimes get tired of all of it, mostly my 2 younger kids and sometimes they told me why I don’t get a regular job.
READINGS (Read Spanish or Die!!!!!!!!!!!!):
I was born in Monterrey in 1969, in 1995 I moved to Chicago, U.S.A. by an invitation from LOS CRUDOS, my daughter born in Chicago in 1997 and I come- back to Monterrey in 1999. Monterrey is a big city with almost 5 million of population, very similar to Chicago or Berlin, I love Monterrey, but I hate summer!!!
Tell us about your family history.
All my family and relatives are from Monterrey and my Parents died.
Is it very difficult or expensive if you want to tour or travel to the States?
Travel to U.S.A. it’s very hard and expensive, I was liv- ing there as an illegal immigrant, I met lots of people from Poland and South America. There are 2 ways to go to U.S.A. or you get the visa the which is almost impossible or you go as an illegal, with false papers or cross the border hidden in a car or a truck or walking in the desert.
RAINY DAYS. Juventino Rosas, Guanajuato. Mexico.
I think this ‘zine it’s now the second publication in importance in Mexico, after CRYPTAS ‘zine, in or- der of very interested stuff, articles, thoughts, reviews, etc..... Issues 1 and 2 comes with a cd-r com- pilation. A great effort that keeps the real D.I.Y. ethics and the tradition of read and write-send letters. Issues available: 1,2,3 and 4. $4.00.
When you’re in Mexico, visit Monterrey and make a stop in our shop EL DISPENSARIO, we’re open from Sunday to Friday, from 4:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.
Saturdays from 1:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. and also we sell the famous Soy Sandwiches.
We’re in downtown, from the Bus Station, walk to take the Subway and go to Fundadores Station, walk a half a block to Mercado Fundadores (Fundadores Market), that’s where we are, go downstairs and look for place F4/F6 and you’ll find EL DISPENSARIO.
Mercado Fundadores is on Cuauhtemoc ave. between 5 de Mayo st. and 15 de Mayo st. in Monterrey’s Downtown.
Tel. (81) 8377-2388
Fernando Lozano Apdo.Postal 1946 C.P.64001. Monterrey, N.L. MEXICO.