P. 18

tell us about who you are...
making really weird things and thinking deep
dude thoughts while losing myself in Cocteau
Twins. I got deep into punk, fashion and zines
all around the same time, 1997, however, it
wasn’t until like 2000 that I actually started
playing music, making zines and clothes. I try
to be really secretive about my creative output
because I feel like its kinda a safe space out-
let for me to process heavy shit, i just
recently started to be out with it.
I released my first zine in seven years La Bola
de Cristal in March of this year and am working
on the second issue. It’s a political perzine
because I am stuck in the ‘90s.
My name is Ari Perezdiez I am 29, first gen
central american-american, weirdo witch punk,
west coast citizen, transcendent cyber gender
queer being. I work in worker co-ops as my
hustle and am also a full-time student studying
art history and fashion and trying to intersect
that with radical politics in the form of a
decolonized fashion history narrative that
centers non-western fashion. I love going out
and hanging hard with my friends then hiding in
my room/basement lair making a mess and
I make power electronics/harsh noise in my own
personal project called Pressed White Bitch.
I have played one show so far and am taking a
break to write more stuff and put out a tape.
I help the ever fabulous Nyky Gomez table Brown
Recluse Zine Distro so you might have seen me
behind the table, she is my hermana for sure.
I ran a distro in the early 2000s called House-
wifeXcore but then shut it down in 2006 cause I
fled to Portland trying to get away from a
really abusive situation, I kinda dropped out of  generated (this is a hint to submit!) There was
a lot of creative outlets to focus on political   a surplus of content actually! I don’t think
activism and radical self transformation includ-  there was very many challenges except for the
ing a lot of self-care and growth. Getting hired  usual MRR nonstop editorial process/hamster
at Maximum Rocknroll really gave me the zine      wheel. I’m real proud of it and feel #blessed
itch and I’ve been back for about a year now.     to be a part of it.
I met you after you editted the Queer Issue of
MRR. Did you meet many challenges putting that
Doing the queer issue was hella fun! I met so
many amazing queers from the bay and it made
my world here just a bit better. MRR really
saved me, some of my closest friends in the bay
have been introduced into my life from work-
ing there, visiting the compound and going to
mrr presents shows. People were really eager to
submit without us even doing a lot of digging
and soliciting which is how most MRR content is

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