Page 20 - Vo Vo | FIX MY HEAD #10: COMPLEXITY
P. 20

 8. What was the best thing you learned being in Cuatl?
The best thing is to believe I can create something powerful and dif- ferent. Friendship, brotherhood.
9. Some life advice for our readers?
We are like Tezcatlipocas ( smoke mirrors ) trying to see and find ourselves in this dream we call life. Don’t give up, there is hope. We are the change! And change starts within, then it goes outwards. We need to seek the knowledge of the elders, they hold the key of wis- dom. We must reconnect, resist. I learned that when the conquista- dors imposed their language on the indigenous people, they cut their development, and their identities. It’s time to reclaim these things, to learn and get back the knowledge of our ancestors.
Thank you so much!

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