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supremacy will still inevitably fuck her over, so in turn she becomes a serial killer, killing white girls for their skin because it’s this type of satiation that she feels will actually empower her to gain what she wants in society. That’s the only way I can say it without the spoilers. (laughing) It’s in the spirit of Maniac which is one of my favorite horror movies of all time be- cause it actually depicts the mental degradation that happens within serial killers and looks back to what made them snap in the first place because any type of pathological killer always has a specific reason as to why they do each killing sometimes it’s meditated, sometimes not. Taking power back is one of the main themes of serial killers, but the narrative has always been around white dudes and I actually never under- stand why they feel powerless when they have top social standing within society. It’s just interesting to flip the script on that one.
Mariam: Do you anticipate people being upset about this movie?
Monika: Definitely. The reason why the main char- acter is killing white women is mostly due to euro centrism and beauty standards of the hierarchies of oppression in this country. Seeing a Black woman murder a white woman on screen is probably going to be really uncomfortable for a lot of people espe cially when they don’t understand the sociological definitions of it and also being used to seeing Black
bodies being denigrated on screen time and time and time again. It’s a desensitization method that has always been utilized to order to forgive violence on Black bodies, Black bodies being expendable and disposable.
Mariam: Any more projects you want to talk about?
Monika: The last Black and Brown Punk Show is August 27th and it’s just a one-day show. Hopefully it will be used to have kids come and have fun — also for them to network in hopes that they want to start something different. I am just too jaded with the punk scene (laughing) and I just want to move on to other endeavors, but there a significant amount of kids that still want to hold down that space.
Mariam: any last words?
Monika: Nope! Thanks for interviewing me!
Photo: Donté Oxun and Monika Estrella Negra by GLITTERGUTS