Page 3 - Blocs, Black and Otherwise
P. 3

This zine compiles two texts by CrimethInc that provide an excellent introduction on how to participate in and organize black blocs. The first is “Blocs, Black and Otherwise” that appeared in Profane Existence #43 and CrimethInc’s Recipes for Disaster. Surprisingly, we couldn’t find a PDF of that text online, so we’re reproducing it for everyone’s benefit. As a bonus, we added a second piece titled “Fashion Tips for the Brave” that first appeared online.
This pamphlet is dedicated to Chris Hedges and Derrick Jensen — you make us want to party like is 1999 all over again!
For those seeking a historical background on the black bloc tactic, we highly recommend the zine “Can’t Stop Kaos: A Brief History of the Black Bloc.”

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