Page 4 - Blocs, Black and Otherwise
P. 4
Blocs, Black and Otherwise
·Matching clothing that conceals the wearers’ identities ·Trust and communication
·A mission
Optional Materials:
·Provisions: water (plenty, especially if you’ll be dressed in hot gear or expect chemical weapons attacks), food (don’t rely on shops or shopkeepers in contested zones), etc.
·Camouflage: different layers of clothing for different purposes or stages of the action
·Defensive gear: banners, shields (possibly disguised as puppets or placards), steel- toed shoes (should still be comfortable for running!), body armor or padding, gas masks or goggles and bandannas soaked in lime juice (store in ziplock bags until necessary), rain coats or chemical protection gear (if there is a risk of chemical attack), whatever relevant medical supplies you know how to apply, etc
·Offensive gear: spraypaint, projectiles, slingshots, signs or flags on thick poles (or just plain poles), molotov cocktails, bright lights (to obscure police or camera vision during night actions), ladders and/or bolt cutters for scaling or breaching barriers, etc.
·Communications equipment: hand radios, cell phones, police scanners, flags, drums, shared codes for making internal announcements
·Transportation: bicycles, enough change for the subway, keys to your SUV (easy there, killer, it’s just a joke!)