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delayed reinforcers and to act more impulsively. Lesion and Acknowledgments
neuroimaging studies point to the importance of the dorsolateral
and ventromedial prefrontal cortices in motor and cognitive This work was supported by grants RS/MS2001-16/01
impulsivity and pharmacological studies highlight the importance (Ministerio de Asuntos Sociales) and SEJ2004-05290 (Ministerio
of dopamine and serotonin as the key neurotransmitters in de Educación y Ciencia). We would like to thank the contribution
impulsivity. Studies combining both neuroimaging and latest of Dr. Marc Wittmann editing this manuscript and the anonymous
pharmacological techniques will provide greater insight for referees for their useful comments, specially to # 596 for his/her
treatment of disorders in which impulsivity is a hallmark. stimulating discussion and interesting contribution.
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