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            TILOG-LOGISTIX2016                                   TILOG-LOGISTIX 2016
                                                                 Embarking into Logistics 4.0 with Confidence Towards
                                                                 Sustainable Growth
            国際貿易促進局(DITP) 、商務部、そしてReed Tradex Co., Ltd.,は、TILOG
                                                                 The Department of International Trade Promotion (DITP),
            – LOGISTIX 2016の共同主催である。タイや海外からの10263人数のバ            Ministry of Commerce and Reed Tradex Co., Ltd., the
                                                                 co-organizers of TILOG – LOGISTIX 2016, wish to express
                                                                 their gratitude to all who were part of the event’s forward
            いうイベント。それぞれの展示は、各セミナーおよび各活動のすべては、タイ                  movement to its success which saw a total of 10,263
                                                                 buyers from across Thailand and overseas attend the event.
                                                                 Each exhibit, each seminar and each activity all play vital
            たしている。新たな技術、知識、およびビジネスネットワークを発見される物                  roles in leading Thai and ASEAN+6 logistics community into
            流サービスプロバイダと関連産業における起業家なのだ。よって、彼らは今よ                  the  Thailand  4.0  era.  Logistics  service  providers  and
                                                                 entrepreneurs in related industries discovered new
                                                                 technologies, shared knowledge and grew business networks
                                                                 so that they can now tackle changes with more confidence
                                                                 and competitiveness.
            来年のTILOG-LOGISTIXは再び行われる。2017年8月16  -  18日、バン
            コクにあるBITECにてTILOG  –  LOGISTIX  2017で新しい物流現象を        Next year’s TILOG-LOGISTIX will be held unveiling new
                                                                 logistics phenomena at TILOG – LOGISTIX 2017, 16 – 18
                                                                 August 2017 at BITEC, Bangkok.

                                                                                       Got a question ?  Please scan QR code on page  61

                                                                                       October - November 2016       11
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