Page 116 - Zimbabwe Stone Sculpure 1st Edition
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Art forms and objects
African masks 47
curios 23, 39
Les Demoiselles d’Avignon,
Picasso 46, 47
painting 15, 22, 23, 47, 48, 59 rock paintings 15
Shona sculpture 16, 17, 35 wooden sculptures 20, 21 Zimbabwe stone carvings 15 Zimbabwe Stone Sculpture 13,
16, 17, 23, 31, 33, 39, 48, 49, 111
Art tuition and sculpting communities
Canon Paterson Art Centre 21,
59, 66, 91, 107
Cyrene Mission 18, 20–21 National Gallery Workshop
School 23, 25, 27, 87, 91, 94 Peter Birch School of Art 59 Serima Mission 18, 20–21 School of Fine Art, Rhodes
University 27
Tengenenge 24, 25, 27, 28, 35,
37, 51, 79 Utonga 82
Vukutu 18, 25–28, 91
Annual Art Exhibition (National Gallery) 25
Cannes 31
First International Congress of
African Culture 23
From Rembrandt to Picasso 22 Picasso-Matisse Exhibition,
London 22
Second International Congress of
African Culture 23 Museum of Modern Art, New
York 23
Museum of Modern Art, Paris 23 Rodin Museum, Paris 23
Galleries and showrooms
African Art Promotions, Harare 27
British Museum, London 31, 66, 91
Bulawayo National Gallery, Bulawayo 13, 15
Chapungu Gallery, Harare 25, 27 Commonwealth Institute, London
Galerie Racines, Belgium 31 Galerie Susi-Brunner, Zurich,
Switzerland 31 Galerie Zürichsee, Bäch,
Switzerland 31
Gallery Shona Sculpture, Harare 27
Matombo Gallery, Harare 28 Meikles Hotel, Harare 25 Museum of Modern Art,
New York 23, 91
Paris 23
National Gallery, Harare 18, 21,
22, 23, 25, 27, 33, 87, 91, 94 National Gallery, London 33 Rodin Museum, Paris 23 Sprayview Hotel, Victoria Falls 31 Stone Dynamics Gallery, Harare
and Victoria Falls 13,
15–17, 28–31, 33–34, 44, 49, 54, 66, 70, 74, 82, 87, 94, 102, 107, 111
Tate, London 33
Tengenenge, Guruve (Sipililo) 24,
25, 51
The Mall Galleries, London 94 Trocadero Museum, Paris 47 Victoria Falls Hotel, Victoria Falls
11, 28–30
Victoria Falls Safari Lodge,
Victoria Falls 31
Vukutu Gallery, Nyanga and
Harare 26–28

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