Page 118 - Zimbabwe Stone Sculpure 1st Edition
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 Jonathan Gutsa 49
Joram Mariga 23, 24, 29, 49,
70, 87
Joseph Ndandarika 49 Lazarus Takawira 23, 29, 41,
42, 22, 35, 49, 86–89 Moses Masaya 49
Nicholas Mukomberanwa 27,
29, 33, 49, 74, 90–93 Norbert Shamuyarira 49
Paul Gwichiri 91
Richard Mteki 29, 42, 49, 66,
87, 94–97
Richard Mteki Jnr 94 Samson Kuvhengurwa 74 Shadu Chatsama 49, 99–102 Sylvester Mubayi 25, 27 Tapfuma Gutsa 63, 82
Tendai Mutinhima 49,
Thomas Mukarobwa 23 Wencelous Marufu 102 Zachariah Njobo 13, 21, 29,
33, 34, 39, 40, 49, 74,
journalists and critics
Celia Winter-Irving 11, 35 Michael Shepherd 23, 79 Ray Wilkinson 16
Andrew Nyamutowera 31 Arturo Larrondo 27
Bill Burdett-Coutts 26, 28 Bart Wolffe 7
Canon Edward Paterson
Danny Glover 31
Father John Gröber 21, 91 Frank McEwen 21–23, 25–27,
31, 33, 91, 94
Gillian Kaufman 15
Heather Ellement 31
Janet Jackson 31
Janet Suzman 31
Jean Danks 13
Jonathan Croeser 29
Mary MacFadden 25
Morgan Freeman 31
Olivia Burdett-Coutts 26 Prince Charles 31
Queen Elizabeth 22
Queen Elizabeth II 87
Pat Pearce 23
Professor Brian Bradshaw 27 Rajiv Gandhi 94
Rockefellers 31
Rothschilds 31
Roy Cook 28
Roy Guthrie 27
Shehu Shagari 94
Simon of Cyrene 21
Sir Richard Attenborough 22 Stuart Danks 13, 29, 31 Sue Danks 13
Tom Blomefield 24, 25, 27, 28, 51
Trude Larrondo 27 Wilbur Smith 31, 99
beliefs 21, 33, 35, 51, 59, 91 cultural beliefs
Mwari 35
totem 35
ancestors 35
ancestral spirits 35
spirit world 35, 51 symbols/symbolism 35, 102 tortoise 35
magic 35
culture 13, 22, 23, 25, 59, 91 myth/s 23, 51, 91
tribe 35
people 35
sculpture 16, 17, 35 spiritual beliefs 33, 94 traditional role 54, 56 traditional value systems 23 women 56
Zimbabwe history
Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting 94 Great Zimbabwe 18–19, 94
Independence 16, 24, 28, 74 Independence War 27
iron age 19
Liberation War 74
map 18
mission schools
Cyrene Mission 20, 21
Serima Mission 20, 21, 91 national flag 19
The House of Stone 19 Unilateral Declaration of
Independence 24 Zimbabwe Ruins 19, 21 Zimbabwe Bird 19, 94
Zimbabwe Stone Sculpture
apprentices/apprenticeship 43 artists 49
authenticity 39, 63 commercial/ism 17, 25, 39, 43 development 17
exhibitions 15, 23, 25 female sculptors
Best Female Artist of Zimbabwe Award 54

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