Page 50 - Zimbabwe Stone Sculpure 1st Edition
P. 50

 It was the first real ‘abstract’ art style and far removed from established norms. The subjects of the paintings were depicted as geometric shapes that can be observed from many viewpoints and are therefore represented in greater context. The artists showed images in the way they remembered them rather than the way they really are, because we often remember only part of the whole image. Picasso’s declared aim was to seek new means of expression in painting away from what he called ‘useless realism’ and having nothing to do with ‘objective reality’.
African art is the product of an environment very different to that of European art and Africans are largely unaware of the immense value of their art. African contemporary art continues to demonstrate that Afri- cans are blessed with artistic genius. This is true of Zimbabwe Stone Sculpture, which has given the world a new and refreshing art form.

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