Page 49 - Discover Botswana 2022 ONLINE
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Between 1815 and about 1840 a period of turbulence amongst the African kingdoms and chiefdoms known as the Mfecane wars, saw the lesser populated chiefdoms seeking refuge amongst the stronger tribes from the rampaging Ndebeles. An example is the Babirwa merging with the larger Ngwato tribe.
From 1815 Western European colonists began partitioning Africa, resulting in power struggles between them and the local tribes. In 1885 a three chief delegation sought British protection from Boer occupation, and a strip of land was ceded to the British South Africa Company with the intention of creating a buffer against the Boer farmers. It was called the Tuli Block, and Cecil John Rhodes also saw it as a pathway for his Cape to Cairo ambitions, but it soon became clear that the rocky undulating terrain would make the construction of a railway impossible.
The Tuli was also popular with big game hunters, ivory hunters and traders through the 1800’s, and elephants became scarce. It was only 100 years later that Notugre was conceptualized, and by 1970 all fences between the initial 35 farms were removed. Once the fences were down several establishments cropped up offering nature tourism. Visitors began to arrive in this lesser known destination, and continue to be captivated by its versatility to this day.
Born in Maunatlala, Botswana. He qualified as a teacher of Art in 1999. In a short time he got a scholarship to study at the University of Cape Town towards a BA Fine Arts and unsurprisingly majored in Photography. In 2017 he resigned from teaching and began a career as a nature photo guide and nature photographer. He draws inspiration from nature to highlight its brilliance through photographs that seek to connect the viewers back to nature. Aubrey is the resident Photo Guide at Mashatu Game Reserve for PhotoMashatu.
Above and facing page: A scenic landscape of sandstone ridges along the Limpopo river. This is a perfect setting for a sundowner watching animals in this surreal landscape. 49

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