Page 25 - Indy Hanger Catalog Rev 2
P. 25

Fine Dennison Gun (Each)

             The Dennison Fine Fabric Gun safely and easily fas-
             tens tags to garments using our fine fabric fasteners.
             Constructed of durable plastic, this lightweight gun
             features a comfortable hand grip, gentle trigger and
             easy-load clip for fast tagging. Simple to operate, it is
             safer than conventional staples and it protects gar-
             ments from tears and snags.
                                                                                                 SKU:  19035

                                                                         3/4” White Dennison Fasteners
                                    Fine Dennison Gun
                                    Needles  (4 pack)
                                                                    Made of heat-resistant nylon, these 3/4 “ white
                                    For use with your Dennison
                                                                    fasteners are safer and more dependable than
                                    Gun and Fasteners, these
                                    Dennison brand precision        metal staples and pins, these fasteners securely
                                                                    hold your dry cleaning tags to garments. Fine
                                    needles are longer lasting
                                                                    Fabric Fasteners are prevented from melting in
                                    than plastic based.
                                                                    your hot head presses.
                                      SKU:  19050
                                                                              SKU:  19020
                             Also Available:

                             16L Gripper Snap Studs Box

                                 of 1M
                  Easy to install with a gripper snap tool.

                               SKU:  19000

                                        Towel / Wiper Dye

            Shop Towel Dye 60 - 8oz. packs (30 lb. case)              Black Mat Dye Kit  2 dye kits per box

           Quality and performance are assured with MDP.          Like no other mat over-dye kit on the market.
                                                                  MAX BLACK yields deep, rich glossy black cover-
            Magnum       Magnum       Magnum       Magnum
                                                                 age of ALL logos in one, one-hour dye formula.
              Blue             Red             Black             Green
           SKU: 10000   SKU: 10011   SKU: 10026  SKU: 10041      Fast and economical. Available in powder and liq-
                                                                 uid. Each kit dyes over 400 lbs. of mats.
                                                 SKU: 10056
                                                                     SKU:  10080
                                                 SKU: 10071

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