Page 6 - Indy Hanger Catalog Rev 2
P. 6
Super Flo-Kon Liquid Alkali Builder 1 gal M.C.C.
4×1 gallon bottles
SUPER FLO-KON NP is a premium high strength
liquid alkali builder. It features a high pH and
high alkalinity and is fortified with strong seques-
tering and chelating activity. *Effective in hard
water. *Unusually fast rinsing. *Water saver.
SKU: 21095
Liquid Sour Bright Neutralizer 5 gal
LIQUID SOUR-BRIGHT is a neutralizer designed spe-
cifically for shirt laundries in relatively high bicar-
bonate areas. Protects against damage caused by
most sours due to bleeding of dyes. Helps to con- SKU: 21055
trol iron in water. Souring action fast and complete.
Prevents over-souring. Fluorescent brightener en- M.C.C. is a super liquid
hances shirt appearance. In shirt laundries for the detergent pre-spotter.
protection of dyes. Effective in high bicarb water. Ideal for removing
make-up, collar and
SKU: 22010
cuff stains and dirt.
New Sol Liquid Detergent 5 gallon bottle
NEW-SOL is a specialty liquid detergent with superb solvent properties.
Represents a new approach to solvent detergency. Unsurpassed range of
effectiveness on wide variety of soils and stains. Normally combined with
alkali. Rapidly gaining prominence. New powerful solvent combination
highlighting citrus solvents. Emulsifies an amazing diversification of soils.
SKU: 22000
Flo Crest Liquid Bleach Detergent 5 gal
FLO-CREST is a natural liquid bleach detergent. Proves superior soil and
stain removal. High nonionic detergency means quick release and emulsifi-
cation of body soils. High in fluorescent brighteners. Fresh appealing fra-
*Shirt laundries: with alkali builder, eliminates separate bleach stage.
*Nursing homes: reduces severity of chlorine bleaching stage.
*Top loaders: no supplementary products necessary.
*Hotels and motels: one stage washing and bleaching means shorter pro-
duction cycle.
SKU: 21090