Page 3 - Torch - March 2020
P. 3
Let us Pray: Oh Lord, our Lord, How excellent is
BE your name. We come reverently acknowledging that
ENCOURAGED you are God and God alone. Today, we give over to
you our worries and concerns and we ask for your
MAY 2020 help. You see it all and know it all, the circumstanc-
es, and the inner turmoil. Sometimes our hearts are
heavy from the weight of ourselves, families, and the
world. We can breathe with an assurance that it is
Greetings my Blessed Sisters! by your grace that we are kept. We are safe in your
arms. Help us to be encouraged and wait on you. It
The last two months have tru- is in your name, we give thanks and pray, Amen!
ly be unexpected, unimaginable, unprecedented,
and for some discouraging. Yet, one thing has re-
mained constant and that is the love and care of
God. A Sovereign God, the only one who has kept
each of us. A God who has been our strength in the
midst of life’s storms. NOTE: The Chaplain’s Council is here for you. We
are praying for you and with you. On behalf of the
I want to say in two words to each of us in this Chaplain’s Council, we have a request. We need at
hour of uncertainties, BE ENCOURAGED. William least 100 Sorors to join us next Wednesday from
Becton sings a song entitled, “Be Encouraged”. It 6:00 – 6:15A.M., for the “What Happens When Sis-
goes like this, be encouraged no matter what is go- ters Pray” prayer call. I want us to bombard heav-
ing on, He will make it alright, But you (we) have en together. The prayer calls have been a blessing
to stay strong. I know right now, it is impossible to to us and to others. The prayer call is a time of de-
see, But God is going to work it out if you just be- votion, prayer, and refreshing for a new day. Con-
lieve. Remember this one thing while you are go- nect with us as we bombard Heaven on behalf of
ing through, If God delivered Daniel, he’ll do the others, our community, our chapter, our Sorority,
same for you (and me). Hold on, trouble doesn’t each other and ourselves. Remember, God hears
last always, These trials are just a test, just a test of us when we pray.
your faith. So stand strong and dry your weeping
eyes, because guess what joy comes in the morn- 2020 PRAYER CALL DATES:
ing and Everything Will Be Alright. May 20
Prayer Line: 515.603.4901
My beloved that is what I am standing on every Participant Code: 759781#
day of my life. Reflect on Psalm 139, and as your
reflect upon this passage, know that there is no
place or situation life can take us outside of God’s
presence. He created us and knows every strand of
hair on each of our heads. Nothing catches him off
guard. Rest in God. He is able to yield unto you a
peace that surpasses all understanding. Remem-
ber as I have shared times past, “THIS TOO SHALL