Page 9 - Torch - March 2020
P. 9

Breathe It In

         When  you  watch  the  news  and  see  how  others
         across the world are suffering these days, what do
         you  do?  What  can  you  do  right  now,  in  this  mo-
         ment, to open your heart to what someone else may
         be enduring?

         On one level, especially when facing a global pan-
         demic like right now, we all may in some ways feel     For  the  President  and  all  world  leaders,  I
         powerless. It’s a burden and it hurts. So much pain    BREATHE
         and suffering. What simple offering can you give to    For the CDC, WHO, and U.S. Surgeon General, I
         benefit you and them. A collective love and energy     BREATHE
         to heal us all.  There is no magical fix, but we can   For ALL the State and local government leaders, I
         all do our part to live, love, laugh, and support each   BREATHE
         other through it. The fear can be overwhelming and
         paralyzing  for  some.  Do  not  worry.  A  new  day  is   For ALL the First Responders, I BREATHE
         coming. Here are a few things that you can do and      For ALL the ESSENTIAL Personnel, I BREATHE
         remember until that “new normal” is here:
                                                                For ALL the Truckers and supply chain workers, I
         Just Breathe.                                          BREATHE
         Worry damages your health.                             For ALL the families affected by this pandemic di-

         Worry disrupts your productivity.                      rectly, I BREATHE

         Worry reduces your ability to trust God                For ALL of US, I BREATHE

         A NEW day is coming                                    Compassion is borderless! With each inhale and ex-
                                                                hale, we give life and  send  love  to those and our-
         You  may  feel  a  resistance  at  first,  but  remember,   s e l v e s    t h a t    w e    w i l l    A L L    b e
         this  is  a  new  muscle.  Start  simple  and  move  with   #STRONGERTOGETHER and Safer real soon!
         intention. Collectively breath in the loneliness peo-
         ple  may  be  feeling  and  exhale  JOY,  PEACE,  and
         LOVE.  Here  is  short  mantra  you  can  repeat  to   Verse  of  Reflection:  “In whose hand is the soul of
         bring yourself peace and an awareness to all those     every living thing, and the breath of all mankind”
         that  continue  to  serve  on  our  behalf  during  this                                   Job 12:10
         time.                                                  Tiffany H. Taft, Ph.D., is an Integrative Health and

                                                                Wellness Therapist focused on the science and well
                                                                -being of the Mind, Body, and Spirit. You may con-
                                                                tact her directly via email:

                                                        or  via  her  website:
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