Page 17 - e-modul kelas 8 Bahasa Inggris_Widi Ardyarini
P. 17

- suggested/recommended  : dianjurkan

                    - asked/hoped                      : diminta/diharapkan
                 b. Jika notice tersebut berupa larangan, maka maknanya

                   akan    identik   dengan    kalimat-kalimat   yang

                   mengandung makna:
                     - can’t/may not/must not           : tidak boleh

                     - forbidden/banned/prohibited   : dilarang
                    - not allowed/not permitted          : tidak diperbolehkan

                   - not suggested/not recommended     : tidak dianjurkan

            B.    Contoh Soal Notice dan Pembahasannya

                                        Be Careful!
                                Many Students crossing the


                  1.  What does the notice mean?

                     A. Students should cross the street carefully

                      B. We should cross the street carefully

                        C. We should not cross the street because   many
                         students cross there

                         D.  We  should  be  careful  while  driving

                             because many students cross the street

            10  | Teks Fungsional Notice
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