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When Jintana was 2 years old, her family moved to Chiangmai and the youngest sister, Tai, was born in the only government hospital there. Jintana's dad was a photographer, a barber, dispensed medicine and shots for men with sexual diseases, raised pigs and ducks and basically worked very, very hard. Chan Ploy was a housewife and managed the small amounts of money Suwan was able to bring in. Together they put all three girls through school and university. Maew and Tai graduated from Payap University, a private institution, while Jintana graduated from Chiangmai University, a government school. It's an amazing success story.
Jintana's younger sister, Tai, is now a bank manager. Her older sister, Maew, is married to a Danish man and living in Copenhagen where she works in a nursing home and he works at a bread company.
Sadly, Jintana's father died twelve years ago from lung cancer. Jintana and her sisters are sad they never got a chance to show him the world and spend more time with him. I barely got to know him, but I have to think he was a really fine father.
Jintana is 49 now and as beautiful and funny as ever. We live a quiet life, as we both like to read and spend time with the kids.
About five years ago we took her mom to the hospital and it looked like she was near death. They had her in ICU, and the doctor prepared the family for her passing. Yeah, right. That was five years ago and her mom made an amazing recovery and is still going strong. She's got lots of health problems, and doesn't get around much, but she's hanging in there.
When we go out with my friends, Jintana always impresses them mightily. She's intelligent, quick-witted, speaks English fluently, and is quite beautiful. People wonder how I got so lucky, and I tell them it's my vast wealth and movie star looks. Jintana rolls her eyes.
Finally, she has always treated me with great kindness and warmth. I never believed a marriage could be like this, and I will be forever grateful and forever in love.