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I just realized I'm generalizing and that's a huge mistake. I'm sure there are dysfunctional Thai families here with angry parents and spoiled kids and the whole catastrophe. The good news is I've never been on a trip with them so I can keep my illusions.
How Can Smokin' Aces Lead You to Politics?
Today I started watching "Smokin' Aces" on Netflix. Wow, so much violence. I wanted an action flick, but this is like the movie version of Caligula on steroids. Way over the top. Stop the killing and torture!
Jintana just went to bed and is falling asleep three feet from me. We've turned on the air conditioning because winter is over and we didn't sleep well in the heat last night. There is no noise from the road below, where the last few nights were filled with funeral chanting and speeches, fireworks and a dog endlessly barking. It is quiet, except for the ringing in my right ear that never stops.
Politics? Did I hear you say you wanted to hear the political views of an ex- sixties commie pinko tree-hugging dope-smoking godless humanist save the whales hippie folksinger turned comedian? Of course you did, because there just aren't enough amateurs out there spewing insane political theories. Also, the climate in America is way too civilized and rational. People are too gentle, thoughtful and forgiving in our political discourse. Let's throw out some bombast and spread some hate!
Or not.
How's this for a premise? I know if you love President Trump I am not going to change your mind. Ever. I also know that if you're a liberal there's no for me need to say stuff you already agree with.
I also know I could easily be in a mountain cabin writing manifestoes because I'm really worried about my home country. I think we could lose democracy, free elections, justice for all, and government by and for the people. We could lose everything our forefathers fought for and that would be terribly sad.
Or.....bright, young, compassionate Republicans and Democrats could rise up, clean up the corruption, restore justice, and lead a revival of all that is great in America. I have a rich fantasy life.
The good news is that the ideas won't die. Even if dictators rise up in every country on earth, the ideas of truth, justice, free press, free elections, compassion

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