Page 4 - Operation Fund
P. 4

 M/S Marie
In order to do this, we need to make researches in different countries, namely The Faroe Islands, Denmark, Sweden and Israel.
It is commonly and widely well known that people did not talk about their activities during the IIWW, because it could cost them and their families their lives. Thus, little documentation is at hand, but this makes the research even more challenging, because in average the Faroese were people of few words.
Will you partner with us by making this crucial time of Faroese and Jewish history to be known and never forgotten?
This is almost the last call in doing so, soon the generation is gone
and few, who lived through it all, are still alive and can tell.
On behalf of the “1943-45 Operation fund”:
Researchers: Maigun Solmunde, Faroe Islands & Jan Reuven Rozen Rosenberg, Israel

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