P. 33
1 Journey without it and you will never prevail, but if you have too
much of it you will surely fail.
Answer: Condence
2 Poor people have it. Rich people need it. It can make you or break you.
Answer: Adversity
3 Everyone wants more of it to feel special, yet the more you have of it
the less special you feel.
Answer: Knowledge
4 If you have me, you want to share me. If you share me, you haven't
got me. What am I?
Answer: Secret
5 You can only have it once you have given it. Pragya Chaturvedi
Answer: Respect Class - IX - “C”
Try to do your best in every single thing and never give up so
that the world knows u appreciate u and love u weather the
task is small or big u should give'ur best and leave the rest to
God, someday u may feel like giving up but believe me giving
up is not always the solution instead trying again and again
and giving your best is the solution so do your best and the
result will be really great
NOTE TO SELF: I am doing the best I can with what I have in
Deeksha Moorjani this moment, and that's all I can expect from anyone,
Class - VII - D including me.
My family is my strength.
My family is my strength. Whenever we face any difculty
we always turn to our family. and we do so because we know
that no matter what our family will always be there to
support and protect us. They will give us the condence to
solve our problems and we will never feel lonely in their
Tvisha Chouhan
Class - I - B